Levans' workshop

Experiments and thoughts about Machine Learning, Rust, and other stuff...

#rust Articles

  • Wed 05 September 2018
  • Rust
  • en

Beware the rust cache on Travis

Today, I was working on optimizing my travis builds to speed them up, especially in the direction of caching. Travis allows you to set cache: cargo in your .travis.yml to enable caching for rust projects and caching is cool: it avoids having to rebuild all dependencies all the time …

Smithay is Live

Finally, it was done last week, Smithay has its own website. Over the past months, I've moved my wayland-related projects to the Github Smithay Org, and after a lot of work on smithay (the crate) itself with @drakulix, we've released the 0.1 version! This is a great milestone for …

Why I love Rust

Disclaimer: This is a subjective and personal point of view. As such, please take it with the grain of salt it deserves. I just want to share it, hoping I'm not alone feeling that way. 😊 Most Rust aficionados agree on this point: Rust does have a difficult initial learning curve …

  • Tue 27 September 2016
  • Rust
  • en

Wayland libs 0.7, and a 3rd rewrite

This blog post is about the new design of my wayland libs. It's not a tutorial, but rather about the design choices I made, and why I made them. I'll start with a quick recap of what wayland is, from an API & protocol point of view. If you already know …

  • Mon 30 November 2015
  • Rust
  • en

Using Wayland from Rust, Part 1

Hi all. During the past few months, I've been working on some crates for using Wayland in Rust. Now, they have reached a step that I could call "mostly usable": not yet finished, but a good basis to start using them. So I'm writing this note to present them, and …

Les emprunts et les durées de vies en Rust

Les emprunts (borrowing) et les durées de vie (lifetime) sont deux concepts centraux de Rust. Ils peuvent parfois s'avérer difficiles d'accès, car finalement très intriqués l'un avec l'autre. Je m'en vais donc écrire ce billet, en vue d'en expliquer les tenants et les aboutissants. Résumé des bases à avoir Je …

Pseudo-héritage en Rust avec Deref

Un des aspects absent de Rust à l'heure actuelle (1.0) mais toutefois assez demandé est l'héritage, comme on peut le trouver dans de nombreux autres langages de programmation. Il y a somme toute deux approches à l'héritage : celle qui utilise les méthodes virtuelles, et celle qui ne les utilise …